The College Executive meet weekly to consider the strategic direction of the College community and ensure the ongoing effective leadership and management of the organisation. All aspects of the College are represented in the Executive, where there exists a wide variety of experience and skills. 

It meets weekly and is constituted to:

Ensure achievement of the College’s strategic plan and associated operational plans.

Oversee the running of the College as a whole.

Discuss and make decisions on all major academic, administrative, HR and financial issues.

Discuss and approve policies, regulations and procedures concerning the management of the College.

Respond to recommendations from Schools, Departments and Committees within SBC.

Formulate academic and operational plans for the future development of SBC.

Respond to discussions and decisions of the SBC Management Council. 

The College Executive Consists of:

CAI Yonglian, Vice President of USST, Dean of SBC

Professor Rupert Ward, Executive Dean of SBC

LI Yan, Secretary of the Party Committee of SBC, Director of Management Committee Office of Fuxing Road Campus

Professor SHAN Yanguang, Vice Dean of SBC

CAI Hui, Deputy Party Secretary of SBC, Associate Dean of SBC 


CAI Yonglian, Vice President of USST, Dean of SBC