Good news again! Two SBC lecturers honoured with Inspirational Teaching Award 2023 from Sheffield Hallam University


Sheffield Hallam University values great teaching, and celebrates the positive, transformative impact exceptional teaching has on the students. Dr Nicoleen Johnson and Dr Jack Ilmonen, two SBC Business lecturers, are both winners of this year's SHU Inspirational Teaching Award for their pedagogical practice - as nominated by the students.

Dr Johnson said: “I am very intentional about learning the names of my students, about engaging them in conversation. And I am very generous with praises. Students tend to be a bit more open when they have that kind of environment. And I think it is very important for them to respond or to share their opinions.”

“I really enjoy working with the students. I find them to be extremely, extremely hard working. Once you engage them, you can learn so much from them, and they are willing to learn.”

Dr Nicoleen Johnson

Dr Ilmonen said: “I link their skills to value that they can create in the real life. Then they will understand the skills, apply them in the real world and get good jobs. I listen carefully about their own ideas, concepts and proposals, so they feel that I care what they tell me.”

“I want to also positively criticize them because it is better they make their mistakes in class, not in the real world. Learning is not easy, but I want them to learn. And that is why I am here.”

Dr Jack Ilmonen

Today’s winners received recognition as voted by the students for their passion, dedication, professionalism, and inspiration to support their undergraduate education. Their “real-world” teaching inspires students to achieve more than they thought possible and transforms their futures.