PRME Sharing Information on Progress 2019


SBC continues to enjoy the support of its PRME partner universities in the development of teaching and learning. This, we believe, is an exemplar of good practice with international collaboration between universities delivering popular and ground breaking opportunities to study. In the next few years, we intend to work pro-actively with our PRME delivery partners and jointly develop curricula to better and more explicitly embed the SDGs. This aim is supported through our partnership with the University of Huddersfield to enable all our teaching staff to so contribute by providing postgraduate-level professional development and qualifications.

Our students engage in significant extracurricular activities which support the PRME principals and SDGs. One example of this,The Heart and Hope project, is a significant initiative for our students and we propose to develop and expand the scope and depth of these and other socially responsible projects.

As we were founded as a teaching-focussed institution, we have identified research as an area for improvement. As a leading provider of TNE, our renewed strategy is to pivot further research and dissemination to leverage our particular expertise in international education. This will engage the cross-cultural challenges and language-focused nature of our teaching and learning in partnership with our university partners in China and Britain. We also intend to fully support the other research outlined in this report and to grow our research capacity by positively resourcing this activity.

We are pleased that the UNPRME office is reviving the East Asia Chaper for PRME and pledge SBC to play a full part in the revived chapter. Additionally, we are ambitious to become PRME Champions during the next period. To this end we will work with our colleagues in our non-PRME partners’ business schools to help them achieve PRME signatory status. Our experience in implementing the PRME principles as one of only 22 signatories in China can also provide a valuable resource to others who seek to make this innovation.

PRME Sharing Information on Progress Report 2019.pdf